Work accidents

The budget for work accident insurance still takes up a significant part of every company's insurance budget. This is either because of your operations and the risks they involve, or because of the extensive cover you have received (additional work accident cover, income protection, personal accident cover in your private life and so on).
As this type of insurance is mandatory, this is complex legislation you can’t control. Perhaps you also lack a clear idea of what accidents are accepted, what the expenses are and how these expenses are calculated. At the same time everyone is also urging you to further improve the safety of your employees, subcontractors and temporary workers.

We help you to better understand this subject and to improve your negotiating position with the insurer. We do this through:

  • Financial analysis: detailed claims statistics give you a clearer picture of the insurer's actual expenditure (what was actually spent and what is in reserve, why are these amounts in reserve, what costs were charged … and so on). On this basis we can calculate the actual cost, which you can then compare with the cost suggested to you by the insurer. This transparency enables you to negotiate a better premium rate. 
  • We go over a list of questions with you to find out which free services from insurers you are already using, how you are using them and how you can optimise them. This also includes all prevention support. If feasible, we then document the arrangements that have been made with the insurer in a partnership agreement between yourself and the insurer. This is then followed up regularly.
  • An audit of the provided cover: if your company provides additional cover on top of the mandatory insurance, the financial analysis is extended with an audit of the provided cover. This includes the cover stipulated in the work accident contract and any other insurance taken out for the benefit of the staff (hospital indemnity, income protection, death/retirement and so on). We often find that this type of cover is not necessarily coordinated and leads to double insurance. This audit can therefore reduce your future costs.

Our method also allows us to work together closely with the internal procurement department of your company or government institution. Going through a procurement procedure without specialist knowledge does not automatically lead to a good result. This is determined by expertise in the subject matter and the insurance market and negotiation experience with insurance companies.
All our regional branches have specialised personnel for this purpose with support from the AlliA team of specialists. For more information, contact Bart Wyckhuys.

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